Friday, July 15, 2016

Simple and Effective Cardio Fat Burning Workout Tips

Most people know that dieting by itself is not enough to lose fat successfully. But if you put together a good diet plan with a good exercise program, that includes both cardio training and weight training, then you have a much higher change to succeed. Certainly it is not that easy to burn fat with cardio at a very high rate all the time. So making changes, when changes have to be made, is very important.

Cardio Fat Burning

  • First of all if you are not having very good results with cardio at the moment, then the first strategy you could use, is to increase the duration of your cardio workouts. The longer your cardio workout is, the more fat you burn. For example if your cardio workout is 25-30 minutes long, then you can easily increase it by 10-15 minutes or even more. If that does not yield results, then you can increase your workouts more, but only up to 60 minutes. Going beyond 60 minutes means you are putting much more effort in, then you are actually getting back.  

  • The second strategy you can use, is to increase your intensity. If you are already doing 45-60 minutes of cardio, then increasing your intensity is a very good strategy. Because the more intense your workout is, the more calories you burn. Of course the danger is to push too hard and when you push too hard, then you get out of breath. When this happens, then you are not able to do the amount of cardio you need. If you are at 70% of your max heart rate, then you can easily increase your intensity, but if it already is 85% or more, then it does not work.
  • The third option, if you have already increased your intensity and the duration, is to increase the frequency of your workouts. Very simply, if you there is a very big difference, in the amount of calories you are burning, when you are exercising 3 times a week and when you are exercising 6 times a week. Some people have very good results with only 2-3 times of cardio a week, but some people have to increase it to 6-7 times a week. There are so many options to increase the effectiveness of your fat burning cardio workouts. So put them to the test and find out what works best for you.

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Sunday, July 10, 2016

Cardio - Five Ways To Lose Fat Quickly and Efficiently

The wellness industry has become big business. There are all kinds of supplements and remedies being advertised as miracle weight-loss drugs. The truth is none of the weight lost this way is sustainable. Gaining weight is based on a few factors. Lifestyle, diet, and genetics. Perform an honest assessment in these three areas to determine where adjustments need to be made in order to lose weight. Increased metabolism is something you are born with, but if you live a sedentary lifestyle and have a poor diet, you will eventually gain weight. Living an active lifestyle can sometimes lead to a poor diet which can affect the rate of weight gain or loss. Dieting alone may allow you to shed a few pounds but if their isn't a lifestyle change, those pounds may come creeping back.

Lose Fat Quickly

Being careful about the fuel we feed our body makes a huge difference in how quickly we reach our weight-loss goals. In addition to changing what we eat, a disciplined work out routine is necessary. The three C's of losing weight are cardio, calories and consistency. Doing cardio will help burn fat while counting calories makes sure we do not consume more than we burn off. With anything in life, consistency is the key to success. Burn the fat before starting weight training program, you will build muscle under the fat. Being consistent in your work out and dietary adjustment will guarantee the results your want to see.

The human body is an amazing machine. It picks up on routines and adjusts accordingly. This process is called muscle memory. Being consistent in doing cardio is necessary but we have to remember not to get caught up in exercise routines. For example: running on the treadmill for 30 minutes everyday at 5 mile per hour may only work for one month or so. After a month, your body will adjust to this routine and you will burn fewer calories. Try increasing the time you are running or increasing the speed.

Five Things to Speed Up Your Fat Loss

1. Running is good for you, but not every day.

Running every day is hard on your joints whether it is outside, on pavement, or on a treadmill. Mix up your cardio routine with other cardio exercises.

2. Interval training is good for you.

On the treadmill, elliptical or bicycle, alternate high intensity with low intensity in one minute intervals. As your endurance improves, increase the intensity.

3. Shake things up with incorporating Cardio Blasts into your routine.

Running in place, jumping jacks, jump rope, burpees are all good cardio blast exercises. Blasting for 15 minutes is just as effective as 30 minutes on the treadmill.

4. Add one aerobics class per week

One hour of Zumba can burn 500-1000 calories and Zumba is fun. It gives you a change of scenery as well. We don't want to get bored with our work out routine.

5. Don't forget to stretch.

Stretching is just as important as the workout itself. It prevents injury and increase your athletic abilities. Sports injuries can really stifle your routine because you will have to slow down to recover. An ounce of prevention is worth a ton of cure.

When trying to shed pounds, start with the three C's: cardio, calories, and consistency. Shed the fat with cardio before diving into weight training. Mix up your cardio routine and remember to stretch.

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Saturday, July 2, 2016

Learning the Healthy Ways For Successful Weight Loss

You have heard and read it a thousand times:  If you want to lose weight, stop eating. This may sound like common sense, but it isn't true. You could lose weight by not eating, but it would not be much and you would more than likely gain it right back, which then becomes a never ending cycle.  Any fad diet that restricts your food intake to extreme levels will not work for long-term weight loss. To lose weight and keep it off, it is necessary to develop healthy eating habits.

Successful Weight Loss

Make sure you avoid junk food.  Most restaurant food, fast food, prepackaged food, ready-made food and most sugary snacks such as cookies and cakes are considered junk food. These foods are unhealthy for your body and contain high amounts of cholesterol, sugar and trans-fat. If you must eat out, then make sure to portion your meals and try to avoid buffets in order to discourage overeating.

Before drinking your favorite soft drink, think about the sugar and calorie content in it. Carbonated drinks and even juices have a lot of sugar in them. It would also be best to even avoid diet drinks. Diet drinks contain artificial sugars that can also cause weight gain. You should also be cautious about sports drinks and alcoholic beverages, as they are both generally high in empty calories. Instead, replace these sugary beverages with water. Water not only quenches your thirst, but also helps to detoxify your system, which promotes weight loss.

Make sure to snack wisely. Sometimes people snack mindlessly, so it's good to be aware of what you're putting into your mouth. You should supply your kitchen with fruit and veggies that are easy to grab and eat. Do not have chips, or any kind candy readily available. This is will keep you from sabotaging your diet.

Salads are good for two reasons: they are nutritious and satisfying.  A bowl of salad without any calorie-rich salad dressing can fill your stomach easily while giving you minimal calories.  Plus, any kind of colorful vegetable contains powerful antioxidants, so that salads can boost your immunity, control your hunger and improve your health.

If you are a diehard carnivore trying to lose weight, then you need to make sure to avoid red meat. Trim the fat off the meat during preparation. Meat should be treated as a side dish instead of the main course. It's good to limit your meat intake to 2-3 times a week. This may seem like a sacrifice at first, but your healthy eating habits will develop over time.

Educate yourself about the foods you eat and the beverages you drink. Choose boiled, baked, steamed and poached over fried, sauteed and breaded. Cut down on the use of sugar. You can train yourself to enjoy things that are less sweet. Again, monitor your portion sizes throughout the day. Most people eat too much food at meals. Three to four ounces is considered a reasonable serving size. Most portions are two to four times that amount. Let yourself get used to eating smaller meals and eliminate second helpings.

As always, make sure to incorporate exercise with your new healthy eating to develop a healthy lifestyle that you can maintain for the rest of your life.

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